Nick Gervalov
Is a seasoned entrepreneur with a diverse background in business development, project design, and human resource management. He has over 20 years of experience working in various engineering companies, where he honed his skills in AV, VC, IT, HVAC and MEP systems design.
In addition to his experience as an independent consultant, Nick has also started multiple businesses. His expertise in construction, real estate development, and landscape design, coupled with his passion for architecture and attention to detail, has allowed him to successfully establish these growing ventures.
In addition to his work in the physical world, Nick is also deeply involved in the digital realm. He is a startup-minded entrepreneur who is developing several on-line projects in the areas of 3D, real estate and virtual reality.
3D modelling, design, visualization and other relevant engineering services for reconstruction and renovation
Dev. is In progress …
Инвестиции в новое строительство доходной недвижимости в Великобритании
Проект полностью на русском языке для русскоязычных инвесторов
В разработке …
Инвестиционная недвижимость в Великобритании / США / ОАЭ / Монако / Кипр / Бали и другие высокодоходные доходные направления
Проект полностью на русском языке для русскоязычных инвесторов
В разработке …
Cryptocurrency Forum | Bitcoin | Ethereum | NFT
Dev. is In progress …
Русскоязычная Англия. Русские школы, магазины, репетиторы, православные храмы, русская кухня и многое другое